07.08.02 - A-F Nice Quotes -NinjaGaiden
Atlantis: "-atlan-"
Baltass: "wow, i smoked you like a fucking lhiamba. -balt-"
b3n: "what's a quote?"
BigLamp: "Nothing strikes fear into the heart of darkness more than a Biglamp."
Choggy: "No pope!!! I don't want to have sex with you!"
Cree: "CWEE"
ColdPhyre: " with my mom? shes 45 thats desgusting [19:03] yea.. she was young around 16 years ago when i smurfed as your dad and impregnated her"
Cyanide: "ARC Sucks"
db3kfan: "Magina is Ron Jermys penis..."
Dissent: "Optimism is a way of life"
Dunk: "Listen to the advice others give you; it's probably what they most need to do themselves. Better yet, listen to the advice that you give to others..."
EeKuM: "Boon Yao"
Flarebrass: "I can own you with my keyboard unplugged"